Dear Mariam, How stiff (ballpark) is your ceramic sample? When you say the roughness is 0.5-2um what is the scan size that gives you that roughness? If you want to measure the modulus of a stiff sample, you must use a stiff cantilever. Question 1 will allow you to look in the manual and find the recommended...
You should choose a cantilever that is sensitive as possible, but does not cause the deflection measurement to saturate or become non-linear. The force is the spring constant times the deflection sensitivity times the detector voltage (F=K*Sd*V). If we know K for a given probe type and we know the approximate...
Oliver, The cantilever die thickness very much effects the performance of the optical system in the AFM. In most cases, the cantilever holders are designed with the expected chip thickness in mind. For example, since most air levers are silicon (and made on 300um substrates) the air cantilever holders...
For general purpose imaging we recommend ScanAsyst-AIR probes because their low spring constants and sharp tips provide the best high-resolution imaging on soft samples without damaging tips or samples. To enable quantitative modulus mapping, some deformation of the sample is necessary. For stiffer samples...