Q: Is there any output in the QNM mode which is comparable to the phase imaging in tapping? What is the difference between Inphase and Quadrature outputs, in layman terms? Why does the quadrarture seem to have more noise? A: The inphase is the Rcos(theta) and quadrature is the Rsin(theta) outputs from...
See this new Nano Letters paper on ultrahigh resolution imaging and mechanical mapping of bacteriorhodopsin. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl202351t. I thought I would post this link as nice example of the science that can be done using the AFMs high resolution imaging power, coupled with the inherent...
For those interested in dynamic imaging with the AFM: Attached is a link to a Dimesnion FastScan video of DNA taken in tapping mode in fluid at a rate 1 frame per second. We took this data in collaboration with Y. Lyubchenko, at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, as a proof of concept experiment...
Today Bruker Nano Surfaces Division announced the innovative and unique Dimension FastScan AFM, which delivers a significant breakthrough in improved imaging speed without sacrificing nanoscale resolution. The Dimension FastScan enables users to obtain usable data significantly faster than is possible...
Are there any sample types where you would recommend using standard tapping or contact mode instead of peak force tapping
In showing the scan asyst versus tapping I don't understand how scan asyst doesn't have the same problem of the material sticking to the tip that it has in tapping mode.
What are the key parameter differences between TappingMode and ScanAsyst?
Will tapping mode will not be available for good and be replaced by scan asyst?