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關於力圖曲線(Force curve)

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Top 500 Contributor
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Ding posted on Thu, Nov 28 2013 10:48 AM

想請教關於力圖曲線的問題。我們擁有Multimode AFM,軟體是8.10,做力圖時,將deflection error與tube scanner Z axis的訊號同時利用示波器監測,會發現在Trigger on的時候,系統會先急速伸長Scanner兩次(推測是做探針位置感測),而後在做力圖;近來有更新軟體到8.15,但也會再做力圖前伸長Scanner一次。


我們的問題是:基於什麼理由,需要先讓Scanner伸長?因為Scanner伸長(做力圖前)的同時,我們看到懸臂的deflection error是很大的,加上伸長速度又很快,很像是撞針的感覺,認為如此會傷害到我們的探針尖端,所以想知道軟體如此設計的理由是什麼?難道沒辦法像peakforce運作時做trigger嗎?



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Top 500 Contributor
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Ding replied on Thu, Nov 28 2013 11:13 AM


We want to ask a question about force curve. We use Multimode AFM and software ver8.10. As doing Ramp and Trigger On, we got the deflection error and tube scanner Z axis signals by oscilloscope. We just found that the tube scanner extended fast twice before doing force curve(Ramp). As the same time, the deflection error signal had lots of change, means cantilever had large bending. 

In this Ramp control, doesn't it damage the tip? We want to know why the tube scanner have to extend fast before Ramp(Trigger On). Could this Ramp(Trigger On) be the same as the one in Peak Force mode?

Thank you very much!


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