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NanoScope Analysis - numerical precision and other concerns

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Don Chernoff posted on Mon, Mar 19 2012 9:08 PM

I'm an experienced user of version 5.3 NanoScope software and a new user of NanoScope Analysis v.1.4.("NA 1.4")

I would like to comment on some features in the NA 1.4 software and to ask for help.

-in the Stepheight analysis routine, the height values are rounded off to an integer number of nm.  This does not provide enough digits of precision for my work.  I found this work-around:  change the Z calibration scale (under the Command menu) by deleting the decimal point.  When 18.123 nm/V is changed to 18123, the step height value of 201 nm is now displayed as 200678 nm and understood (by me) as 200.678 nm. (With this change, I am able to get the same precision provided by v5 software.)  This is obviously clumsy.  Please, can the software be modified to allow display of more digits, in this routine and in others?

-In my work, materials analysis, it is important to present images with identifying information, so that the person who made 5 different samples can see which images and results pertain to which samples.  In version 5 software, images are displayed (by default) with the filename.extension and the note; it is OPTIONAL to turn off this information to make a cleaner version for a special presentation or publication.  In version 6 and in NA1.4, it appears (to me) that this information is removed by default.  Can someone show me a way to get what I need?

-The NanoScope realtime software makes it easy to capture images containing 2 or more data channels. In version 5 software, it is easy to display full size height and phase images next to each other.  In NA 1.4, I have not found a way to do this.  Can someone help?

-What does the message "Multiple tabs are off" mean?

-The history function is very powerful.  What is the recommended way to save a particular sequence of commands so that they can be re-used?  How does this function compare with auto program in v5?

-Where can I find an explanation of the workspace concept and its implementation in both the Analysis software and the corresponding v6, v7, and v8 realtime software?  What are the strengths and limitations of workspaces in NanoScope?  How does this compare with the use of 'profiles' in realtime v5?

I have searched the online help but not found an answer to any of the above questions and concerns.

-Don Chernoff

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