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Postdoc position announcement

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posted on Wed, Jan 16 2013 6:48 AM

Simon Scheuring


Tel. ++33 (0)4 91 82 87 08 (Secretary)

Tel. ++33 (0)4 91 82 87 77 (Office)



We are seeking a highly motivated and talented postdoc for developing and

applying a combined atomic force microscopy (AFM) – tip enhanced Raman

spectroscopy (TERS) setup for the combined topographical and chemical

analysis of bio-membranes.

Postdoc Position

Scheuring Lab - Marseille, France


(Atomic Force Microscopy – Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)

Candidates should have a strong background in Raman spectroscopy, ideally in

combination with atomic force microscopy. The successful candidate can be

trained in physics, chemistry, optics, biophysics or nanotechnology, but it is

indispensable to show ability for assembling, troubleshooting and applying Tip

Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) associated to an atomic force

microscope (AFM). Candidates are expected to be scientifically independent and

socially active.

After fine-tuning the AFM-TERS setup, the candidate will analyze topography

and chemistry of first model bio-membranes and second native bio-membranes.

The candidate will establish and optimize AFM tip modification for TERS.

Our laboratory operates several AFM setups (high-resolution AFM, cellular AFM,

high-speed AFM), optical microscopes, and features the necessary infrastructure

and collaborations to perform surface and tip modifications, biochemistry and cell

biology. Working language is English.

Applicants must have received their PhD within the last 2 years, but also

candidates that are about to finish their thesis and anticipate their first postdoc

are considered, if they can show independence. The candidate should have a

solid publication record (at least one first author paper in TERS or a closely

related field). Please send an updated CV, a project-dedicated letter of interest

and the contact information of two scientists that may provide recommendations

to Simon Scheuring and Sophie Gall (,

The duration of the position is two years with possibility of extension.

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