hello, Thanks for the information. Since I do not have a signal access module, I think modifying the PI gains through COM is the best option for me. Can you please suggest me a link or some other source where I can read about accesing the PI gains through COM. Umar.
hello, I am working on applying an adaptive control method to the AFM. Ideally I would like to control the piezo input and read the PSD output in matlab, but if thats not possible I can modify the PI gains of the existing controller in Nanoscope. Is there a way I can change the PI gains from Matlab using for instance Nanoscript. Some one mentioned on
hello, I have a question related to the Nanoscope V controller that comes with the Multimode 8 AFM. Is possible to implement using the Nanoscope a custom controller other than the proportional integral one already provided? For instance if I wish to try an H infinity controller or something else can I do that? Umar Khan.