finally i found two references : 1 Su, C. Mapping Quantitative Mechanical Properties at Molecular Scale Using Peak Force Tapping AFM. Microscopy and Microanalysis 16, 364-365, doi:doi:10.1017/S1431927610057132 (2010). 1 Minne, S., Hu, Y., Hu, S., Pittenger, B. & Su, C. NanoScale Quantitative Mechanical Property Mapping Using Peak Force Tapping Atomic
Is there a publication describing the peakforce QMN ? Thanks Guillaume
Dear Ben, Pete, and Bede, thanks for your response I'm aware about scan size, number of pixels, tip shape and size, and trigger force. Actually, we are working in liquid on living cell with biofunctionnalized tips (therefore PeakForce tapping isn't possible since limited ramp size, ramp speed,...) (for a recent example here ) and I notice that
sorry, I'm talking about lateral resolution off course
Hello, is there anyone having an idea of maximum resolution in Force volume (capacities to distinguish between two different adhesion point). As i remember, I've read somethings around 100 nm in a Veeco notes, could you confirm this and on what are based this values? Are people having an own experience on this subject? Thanks for your answer Guillaume
match line correction median line correction step line correction Guillaume
Thanks Bede and Pete, I'm aware about these manipulations could alter the data but it's for an illustration and not for an analysis. I'm already using Gwyddion and it works well for this kind of correction but I was looking after a similar solution in Nanoscope Analysis (before to post on the forum, I tried the solutions purposed by Bede
Hello, I'm looking after a suitable way to eliminate scan lines on afm images without disturbing to much the image. I'm imaging alive bacteria into a porous membrane in liquid and when I display the height image, we can see some "scan lines" on the 3D image. Is there anyone knowing a way to eliminate these scan lines with an offline
Hi ben, thanks for your answer, Concerning the problem to calibrate soft cantilever in liquid, we know about it but we don't want to do it in air as we only work in liquid. We used MSCT cantilever and especially the softer one (0.01N/m), and on the multimode we enlarge the frequency range to access to the peak and we do the same on the catalyst
Hy everyone, We have just install a new bioscope catalyst in the lab. Everything seems to be right execpt for the calibration of cantilever in liquid (in air everything is ok). Anyone has an experience of calibartion in liquid on the catalyst? The problem seems to come from the determination of the deflection sensitivity, calculated value are very strange