We have a Dimensional AFM system here. Can we modify it for EC AFM?
Is Peak Force QNM a form of high speed force volume imaging?
We recommend to use the Tap150A probe first as it covers the middle range of modulus. If the modulus measured are beyond or below the Tap150A capability range, then choose the stiffer or soft probe as described in the manual. For the inhomogeneous sample, try to use the probe that can cover the range of component. But if it is not possible, then different
What are the criteria for the cantilever selection for absolutely unknown sample, especially inhomogeneous one, when e lasticit y of components may vary by order of magnitude?
Both Ramp mode and “Update Sens” button can be used to measure the Deflection Sensitivity. But we found that Ramp mode result is more consistent. Therefore we recommend user to use the Ramp mode to measure Deflection Sensitivity.
150nm Peak Force Amplitude equals 300nm peak to peak of Z piezo modulation and it is large enough to pull the probe away from the most samples. For very sticky or rough sample or dull probe, larger Peak Force Amplitude is needed. But too large Peak Force Amplitude can excite nonlinear oscillation in the Z piezo and generate loud acoustic noise. In liquid
Default value of Peak Force Amplitude is 150 nm. Why this value has been selected and can it be changed in some cases?
Why Ramp mode should be used for Deflection S ensitivity calibration, not the “Update Sens” button in PeakForce QNM mode? Otherwise, why this button is shown?
The Adhesion channel measures the adhesion force which is dominated by the Capillary force in the air. The work of Adhesion is desired but not included in this version of software. But user can use High Speed Data Capture to capture up to 32 second deflection error signal and use Nanoscope Analysis program to export the corresponding force curves and
Why in the Adhesion calculation only minimum force of adhesion well is taken into account, not work of adhesion (the integrated pull-off area)? It might introduce substantial error, and even an opposite contrast in adhesion map.