Thank you Bede for your reply!
Hi all, I recently optimized my approach for calibrating colloidal cantilevers. Before, I glued a bead on the cantilever, and measured the deflection sensitivity and performed the thermal tune both in liquid. The liquid and presence of the bead (10um) makes fitting an accurate curve in the thermal tune window a bit arbitrary because the peak falls off
Thank you for your comment. I briefly checked it and I didn't see these bad curves on glass. For some reason, in my last 2-3 experiments I didn't experience so many bad curves in my own samples either. Indeed maybe it has to do with roughness of the sample; these collagen gels are not flat.
Hi Peter, I don't understand. The blue curve in the left plot travels from approx -4.3 to -2.3nN. So the system has somehow registered a 2nN force. The huge adhesion peak I can't explain. The substrate is indeed sticky, because I always get quite some adhesion as also seen in the plot on the right, which is what I usually see. The plot as seen
Hi Peter, Do you mean the triggering threshold? For all curves I use a threshold value of 2nN. To me it looks like the extend curves in both pictures have made the ramp over the the full 2nN, although in the left curve it seems to have started at a lower force. Indeed maybe something is different in the initial approach, although I don't think I
Dear all, For my experiments on a Catalyst I've been using the "point and shoot" window. In this window, I import a canvas image, on which I can then select where I want the system to record force curves. To calculate a reliable result I always collect 3 ramps on each point. I often notice that the first out of 3 ramps on each point is