The Nanoscale World


  • Stiffness of nanoparticles

    Dear all, I performed measurements of some polymer nanoparticles (PLGA, size cca 50 nm, on air, on silica) and it appears that they are as stiff (DMTModulus channel) as their silicon substrate, which is almost certainly not true. Does anyone have any explanation? Are they so small that the tip actually senses the substrate underneath? Here are printscreens
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Martin G. on Tue, Nov 15 2016
  • Modify force parameters when calculating Young modulus from Force-Volume curve

    Dear all, I measured some soft nanoparticles in force-volume mode and now I try to calculate Young's modulus from the force curves. Before actual fitting ("Indentation" procedure), I need to modify Deflection sensitivity ("Modify force parameters") to a value I determined after the measurement. However, I find that it has fatal
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Martin G. on Tue, Nov 15 2016
  • Force Volume analysis with Open Fovea - data file format conversion

    Dear Bruker users, thanks for welcoming me in your community. I have a following problem: I need to measure force curves in Force-Volume mode on Bruker Dimension Icon, and I need to analyze the data in Open Fovea software. However, support for Open Fovea was discontinued in 2013, and since then, Bruker has updated its native file format. As a result
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Martin G. on Fri, Jun 10 2016
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