I am trying to find the best way to define the edge of cells growing in culture dish, claculate cell perimeter, area, and volume, and also perform a surface roughness analysis over the cell (over the cell only....not the underlying culture dish). Does anyone know if this is possible in Nanoscope Analysis? If not, can anyone reccomend anaysis software
Thanks Bede and Adam. I'll be touch.
I am attempting to image a deep hole in glass (>20 microns deep, 2 microns diameter). I have been using Scanassyst probes (both air and fluid) in Peak Force Tapping mode with a Catalyst system. However, I am about to begin a trial with high aspect ratio probes (specifically, TESP-HAR ) to help better define the hole edges. Since this tip is not coaed
Hello, This question and thread of discussion is intersting. We are trying to image something similar in our lab (a deep hole) with a Catalyst system. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the experience of other users with this type of sample. I am wondering if there is a way to see the image (and the edge effect) referenced in this thread? This