The Nanoscale World


  • Re: NanoLithography

    Anyone encounter similar problem? The NanoLithogrphy document says there should be *.h amd Z.lib in my Nanoscope software directory, but I can not found them there. Now I have these files from the DI service engineers, but the version seems inconsistent with my nanoscope software (5.31). Seeking for your kindly helps!
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by weiming on Tue, Nov 16 2010
  • NanoLithography

    We have a Nanoscope IIIa in our lab with Nanoscope 5.31 software. Now we want to do some NanoLithography according to literature "NanoLithography Support Note 316, Revision A". However I found some conflict while trying to run the sample programes. I noticed that the current NanoLithography document is based on 5.12 software, which means that
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by weiming on Mon, Nov 15 2010
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