The Nanoscale World


  • Re: Icon False Engage Problem

    Bede, Thanks for the quick response. I'm actually using ScanAsyst Air probes. And from the couple images I've been able to take of these samples, I don't see the typical optical-interference wave pattern in any of the data channels. The Si is a typical 4" wafer. It's not doped with anything. I've ordered a radiation source.
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Fosterrn on Wed, Jan 9 2013
  • Icon False Engage Problem

    My Icon false engages using the default engage set point in QNM mode in air. My sample is a 100-nm-thick layer of Ti e-beam deposited on a silicon wafer, though the false-engage problem seems to be sample independent. If I set the engage set point high enough, I can eventually engage on the surface, but I get nothing but noise and destroy the tip. My
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Fosterrn on Tue, Jan 8 2013
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