Hi, When using an Autoprobe M5 AFM to get a f-d curve, the default parameter for the horizontal axis is "driving signal" with range from -1 to +1. But when analyzing the curves for mechanical properties such as elastic modulus, the actual displacement of the piezoelectric scanner is needed. The Input Configuration Dialog Box allow to select
Hi, I have a question about the magnitude of the vedio camera in nanoscope software 8.10 of ICON. I'm writing a paper and I need to know what the size of the images. When doing the experiments, it allows you to zoom in/out and capture images, but it only show 0X, 1X, 2X.... when zooming in. What is the size of the sample we are looking at when using
The AFM I'm using is Dimension icon on some bio sample in liquid mode. When I use ramp mode to generate force-distance curves, the maximum force of individual curves are different. For example, I input the "trig threshold" a value of 30 nN, in some samples, the maximum force is arould 30 nN. However, in many experiments, the maximum force
After I got images with Peak force QNM, I want to know the (x y z) data of each pixel for data process. x y are the position on scanning surface, z is one of the measured properties such as height, adhesion .... Is it possible for images opened in NanoScope Analysis to export as 3 columns of data?
Thank you veru much, Ben!
Hi Ben, I just checked a FD curve in metric and force units. The force and deflection is liear, force equals spring constant times deflection. But I still dont understand why the stead force can be positive or negative value insteand of zero.
Hi Ben, Your answer is very helpful!! thanks a lot! I have two additional questions about FD curves: 1. In many curves, the steady force when tip is far away from the surface is not zero. Why this is happening? I checked the sensitivity and spring constant and kept the set point a constant value when the tip was engaged to the surface each time. 2.
Force-distance curves can be used to measure the elstic property of samples. In Dimension ICON, force-distance curves are generated in Ramp mode after engaging the tip to the smaple surface. In experiments, hundreds of curves need to be obtained autonatically to get relatively accurate measurements. The tip velocity, peneration depth or maximum force
The DMT modulus change a lot when I scan the same position on my specimen repeatedly with different setpoint values. The mean modulus from the image obtained with 2 nN can be five times larger than the one with 1 nN. Based on my scanning results, it seems that the modulus usually increases with the setpoint values. Apparently the modulus of the scanning
Thanks Bede!