The Nanoscale World


  • Re: Tipless probes calibration

    A method we have used involves mounting a cantilever/chip with the tip facing upwards. You can then bring the tipless cantilever into feedback with the upturned tip and do your sensitivity measurements. You need to choose the bottom tip so that its cantilever has a spring constant much greater than the tipless cantilever spring constant, say 100 times
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Chris_G on Tue, Oct 23 2012
  • dynamic spring constant

    Hi all. There have been a number of papers recently that have discussed how the dynamic spring constant can potentially be significanly larger than the static spring constant for AFM cantilevers (e.g. Sader et al. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 83 , 103705 (2012)) The difference can be as much as 10% depending on the cantilever geometery. Therefore
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Chris_G on Mon, Oct 22 2012
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