The Nanoscale World


  • Re: NanoScope IIIa controller PC problem

    When I run the EZRETORE program ('PQER...') it ends with: "Error #982: Free space is not big enough to hold partition information."
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Romeyn on Wed, Feb 27 2013
  • Re: NanoScope IIIa controller PC problem

    No, no I'm not. Before I send this unit aaa to someone who knows way more about it, I'm taking a couple of last stabs. I have removed the video card and put in a PCI card for testing. I am also trying once more to restore the image from CD to a hard drive. I have come to realize that the EZRESTORE software isn't particularly "EZ"
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Romeyn on Wed, Feb 27 2013
  • NanoScope IIIa controller PC problem

    Late last Fall the PC controlling our AFM stopped booting. NT would start to load, then "glitch" (no error) and then the computer would simply reset, POST, attempt to boot, and repeat. I replaced the RAM, disconnected all peripherals (including the AFM controller card (ISA)) with no luck. My next step was to clone the hard drive to another
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Romeyn on Tue, Feb 26 2013
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