Hello Pat, IRQ 11 is remained assigned to legacy ISA in the BIOS. It does not revert to the default or initial setting (whatever that setting may be). Just in case, I will try to swap out the old battery with a new one to see it solves the problem. It is possible that certain part of the interfece or DSP board are likely to get damaged more often than
I was able to upgrade the control computer to a Pentium 4 system. However, after a couple of days of running the system with a upgraded computer, the DSP card was suddenly unrecognized. Previously, IRQ 11 was assigned to a NS** (I suppose it was the nanoscope controller or dsp) but Windows XP resource list shows no device using IRQ 11. What could have
Hello, I am trying to upgrade the computer system for our Dimension 3100 AFM with NS IIIA. The old computer system was a Pentium II machine running Windows NT. I bought a Pentium 4 motherboard and was able to figure out everything except the frame grabber. The old system was using a Matrox Meteor PPB frame grabber which do not have a Windows XP driver