Hello - Many of the posts presented here by "VeecoApplications" have been transcribed directly from recent webinar questions. -VeecoApplications
What is the Z resonance?
could it be used also for electrical (coulombian) forces, like in KPM?
How best to optimize the scan rate for these new modes? How fast can they go?
Is ScanAsyst a software? Any hardware changes with current tapping mode to use ScanAsyst?
Can the new modes, ScanAsyst and PeakForce QNM use regular tapping probes or are special probes required?
Will I measure the same quantitative adhesion values on my sample with peak force QNM as with force volume imaging?
Are there any sample types where you would recommend using standard tapping or contact mode instead of peak force tapping
What is the better lateral resolution of Modulus with Peak Force QNM?
What is difference between Peak Force QNM and Harmonix mode in terms of the information you are getting?