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Converting binary data into useful values

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Christoph Metzke posted on Mon, May 5 2014 5:06 PM

For a project at my university I have to read in data files from an AFM diode measurement into DIAdem. I have to use binary files with raw data. I am not allowed to use ascii files or files with calculated values. How can I convert the binary data into usefull values? Unfortunately I can't upload such a file, so I just copied one file here.

\*Force file list
\Version: 0x04440102
\Date: 12:45:11 PM Tue Mar 29 2005
\Start context: FOL2
\Data length: 20480
\Navigator note: 
\*Equipment list
\Description: TUNA D3100
\Controller: IIIA
\Microscope: D3100
\Extender: Basic
\Sensor: TUNA
\Tip Exchange: None
\SECS: None
\Robot: None
\Vision: Frame Grabber
\Zoom System: Motorized
\Air Table: None
\Scanner file: 1613gn.scn
\Profile name: contact
\*Scanner list
\Scanner type: Dimension
\Serial number: 1613g
\Piezo size: G
\File name: 1613gn.scn
\Retracted offset der: 2.2
\Extended offset der: 7.98
\Allow rotation: Allow
\Piezo cal: 440
\X sensitivity: 155.324
\X derate: 0.2154
\X mag: 1.3
\X mag1: 0.8
\X arg: 3.4
\X round: 0
\Orthogonality: -0.00872665
\Y sensitivity: 146.908
\Y derate: 0.3168
\Y mag: 1.1
\Y mag1: 1
\Y arg: 3.5
\X slow sensitivity: 167.248
\X slow derate: 0.290158
\Y fast sensitivity: 153.984
\Y fast derate: 0.227309
\X slow-fast coupling: 0.524718
\X slow-fast coupling derating: 0.000116998
\Y slow-fast coupling: 0.512811
\Y slow-fast coupling derating: 3.1906e-005
\Fast cal freq: 2.44141
\Slow cal freq: 4.76838
\Xs-Yf coupling: 0.0844055
\Xs-Yf coupling derating: -6.59962e-006
\Ys-Xf coupling: 0.16088
\Ys-Xf coupling derating: 0.000152096
\X offset sens: 280
\Y offset sens: 280
\@Sens. Zscan: V 12.74000 nm/V
\@Sens. Current: V 10.00000 nA/V
\*Ciao scan list
\Parameter select: Main
\Operating mode: Force
\Tip serial number: 
\Scan size: 0 nm
\X offset: -300 nm
\Y offset: -600 nm
\Rotate Ang.: 0
\Samps/line: 256
\Lines: 256
\Y disable: Enabled
\Aspect ratio: 1:1
\Bidirectional scan: Disabled
\Scan line shift: 0
\Scan rate: 0.500288
\Tip velocity: 0
\Minimum scan rate: 0.1
\Lift rate: 4
\X drift: 0
\Y drift: 0
\Step XY size: 300
\Cycles: 10
\Step XY period: 0.005
\Step size: 3
\Units: Metric
\Color table: 12
\Scope dualtrace: Dual
\Auto X Sep: 0
\Auto Y Sep: 0
\Auto pattern: Linear
\Auto number: 2
\Capture direction: Down
\Capture prelines: 50
\Engage Setpoint: 1
\Min int. gain: 3
\Drive feedback: Disabled
\Drive time: 0
\Drive setpoint: 1
\Drive gain: 80
\Profiler profiling: Disabled
\Profiler length goal: 500
\Profiler length actual: 0.001
\Profiler speed: 1
\Profiler scan time: 0.001
\Profiler resolution: 0.001
\Profiler x position: 0
\Profiler y position: 0
\Profiler z position: 0
\Profiler profiler position: 0
\Profiler tilt angle: 0
\Profiler direction: Forward
\Profiler axis: Aux
\Profiler ramp-up ideal-distance multiplier: 25
\Profiler ramp-up total-distance minimum: 2
\Profiler ramp-up total-distance goal: 10
\Profiler backlash-removal distance: 10
\Profiler backlash-removal speed: 33
\Profiler num profile axis display points 3D: 512
\Gain start: 32
\Gain end: 440
\Gain incr: 32
\Pro. Gain factor: 1.5
\Max shift: 0.05
\Lines/gain: 3
\Gain offset: 0.9
\Auto Gain: Disabled
\Start size: 20000 nm
\Pass 2 size: 10000 nm
\Pass 3 size: 5000 nm
\Pass 4 size: 2000 nm
\Feature scan angle: 0
\Feature Scan rate: 1
\Feature step size: 0.138889
\Feature setpoint: 0.1
\Feature threshold: 2000
\Pass delay: 5
\Z offset: 0
\Z tolerance: 9102.09
\Engage X offset: 0 nm
\Engage Y offset: 0 nm
\Current Sens.: 1 pA/V
\Bias limit: 12 V
\MR Gain: 1000
\MSM low limit: 10
\MSM high limit: 150
\@InterleaveList: S [InterleaveOffMode] "Disabled"
\@LinearizeList: S [LinearizeOffMode] "modeLinearizeOff"
\@TUNAList: S [TUNAOffMode] "Open"
\@MicroscopeList: S [TUNAMode] "TUNA"
\@Capacitance feedback: S [] ""
\@4:SPMFeedbackList: S [SPMFb] "Deflection"
\@3:SPMFeedbackList: S [SPMFb] "Deflection" linked
\@2:Input feedback: S [] ""
\@3:Input feedback: S [] ""
\@2:Capacitance feedback: S [] ""
\@3:Capacitance feedback: S [] ""
\@Sens. DC test bias: V 1.000000 V/V
\@Sens. Deflection: V 169.5067 nm/V
\@Sens. MR bias: V 2.500000 mA/V
\@Sens. Current: V 1.000000 pA/V
\@Sens. Friction: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Amplitude: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. MR sensitivity: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Phase: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Frequency: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Potential: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Thermal: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. dC/dV: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Fdback bias: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. In 0: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. Resistance: V 1.000000 
\@Sens. High Frequency: V 1.000000 
\@Sample period: V (0.1000000 us/LSB) 16.00000 us
\@1:Z limit: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB) 156.9859 V
\@1:DeflectionLimit: V (20.00000 V/LSB) 2.500000 V
\@1:FM igain: V (1.000000 1/LSB)       0 
\@1:FM pgain: V (1.000000 1/LSB)       0 
\@1:AmplitudeLimit: V (20.00000 V/LSB) 2.500000 V
\@Lift start height: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.002395380 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Lift scan height: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.002395380 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Drive height: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.002395380 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:AFMSetDeflection: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 0.1012207 V
\@3:AFMSetDeflection: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V linked
\@2:TMSetAmplitude: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 1.669739 V
\@3:TMSetAmplitude: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V linked
\@2:TMSetDeflection: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 2.000000 V
\@3:TMSetDeflection: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V linked
\@2:TMSetPhase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB)       0 deg
\@3:TMSetPhase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB)       0 deg
\@2:STMSetCurrent: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 10.00000 V
\@3:STMSetCurrent: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 10.00000 V linked
\@2:Drive frequency: V (0.0000058208 kHz/LSB) 54.74079 kHz
\@3:Drive frequency: V (0.0000058208 kHz/LSB) 69.50000 kHz linked
\@2:Drive phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB) -119.6027 deg
\@3:Drive phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB)       0 deg
\@2:Drive amplitude: V (0.6103516 mV/LSB) 263.8939 mV
\@3:Drive amplitude: V (0.6103516 mV/LSB) 503.6978 mV linked
\@2:Cap. feedback setpt: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:Cap. feedback setpt: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:Bias Frequency: V (0.0000058208 kHz/LSB)       0 kHz
\@3:Bias Frequency: V (0.0000058208 kHz/LSB)       0 kHz
\@2:AC bias ampl: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:AC bias ampl: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:DC bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:DC bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:Lock-in phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB) 90.00000 deg
\@3:Lock-in phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB) 90.00000 deg
\@2:Stray cap. adj.: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:Stray cap. adj.: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:Cap. Sensor Freq.: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:Cap. Sensor Freq.: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:Bias: V (0.3051758 mV/LSB) 200.0000 mV
\@3:Bias: V (0.3051758 mV/LSB) 200.0000 mV linked
\@2:Analog 1: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:Analog 1: V (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V linked
\@2:Analog 2: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:Analog 2: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V linked
\@2:DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:DC test bias: V [Sens. DC test bias] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:DC test bias: V [Sens. DC test bias] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@2:cnZmod: V (0.0000152588 1/LSB)       0 
\@3:cnZmod: V (0.0000152588 1/LSB)       0  linked
\@2:SPMFbIgain: V (0.03125000 1/LSB) 1.280974 
\@3:SPMFbIgain: V (0.03125000 1/LSB) 0.4000000  linked
\@2:SPMFbPgain: V (0.03125000 1/LSB) 2.257546 
\@3:SPMFbPgain: V (0.03125000 1/LSB) 0.6000000  linked
\@2:SPMFbSgain: V (0.0000305176 1/LSB)       0 
\@3:SPMFbSgain: V (0.0000305176 1/LSB)       0  linked
\@2:Tip Drive phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB)       0 deg
\@3:Tip Drive phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB)       0 deg
\@2:MSM Lock-in phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB) 90.00000 deg
\@3:MSM Lock-in phase: V (0.005493164 deg/LSB) 90.00000 deg
\@2:MR bias: V [Sens. MR bias] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@3:MR bias: V [Sens. MR bias] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@DC sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Current setpoint: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Bias lower limit: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Bias upper limit: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Feedback gain: V (0.03125000 1/LSB)       0 
\@Cap correction: V (2.000000 1/LSB)       0 
\@DC test bias: V [Sens. DC test bias] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\*Ciao force list
\Scan rate: 0.300019
\Forward vel.: 4.20027
\Reverse vel.: 4.20027
\Samps/line: 128 128
\Ave lines: 1
\Display mode: Both
\Trigger mode: Off
\Trig slope: Negative
\Plot start: 0
\Plot end: 1
\Auto start: Enable
\Auto offset: Off
\Start mode: Step
\End mode: Retracted
\Ramp delay: 0
\Reverse delay: 0
\Indent setpoint: 0.5
\X Rotate: 18
\Scratch length: 100 nm
\Scratch rate: 1
\Scratch angle: 0
\Size linked: Off
\Lift height: 100
\Columns: 5
\Rows: 5
\Column step: 300
\Row step: 300
\Capture: Enabled
\Volume offset: 0
\force/line: 16 0
\Samples / line: 16 0
\Z direction: Retract
\Center plot: Off
\FV scan rate: 0.178934
\Tip factor: 0
\True resonance: 0
\Tip type: 100W
\Feedback type: None
\Feedback counts: 0
\@Z scan start: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB) 69.33807 V
\@Z scan size: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Z step size: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB)       0 V
\@Sample period: V (0.1000000 us/LSB) 35.00000 us
\@4:Image Data: S [ImageOff] "Off"
\@4:Trig threshold Off: V (1.000000 1/LSB)       0 
\@4:Threshold step Off: V (1.000000 1/LSB)       0 
\@4:Ramp channel: S [TUNABias] "DC Sample bias"
\@4:Ramp size DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) 7.000000 V
\@4:Ramp offset DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp Begin DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp End DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) -7.000000 V
\@4:Feedback value DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Z display DC Sample bias: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\*Ciao force image list
\Data offset: 20480
\Data length: 512
\Bytes/pixel: 2
\Start context: ROL
\Data type: FORCE
\Do zoffder: 0
\Plane fit: 0 0 0 0
\Frame direction: Up
\Stage X: 0
\Stage Y: 0
\Stage type: N/A
\Profile length: 0
\Profile speed [um/s]: 0
\Samps/line: 128 128
\Scan line: Main
\Realtime planefit: Line
\Offline planefit: Full
\Z direction: Retract
\Force display mode: Normal
\Spring constant: 0.3
\Separation Scale: 0
\Force offset: 0
\Z magnew force: 1
\Scope coupling: DC
\Smoothing filter: 0
\Graph function: i
\STS I range: 15000
\STS DLI/DLV range: 10
\STS DLI/DV range: 10
\STS DI/DV range: 10
\STS Log(i) range: 10
\@4:Image Data: S [Deflection] "Deflection"
\@Z magnify: C [4:Z scale] 1.000000 
\@4:Z scale: V [Sens. Deflection] (0.0000381470 V/LSB) 2.500000 V
\@4:Z offset: V [Sens. Deflection] (0.0000381470 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:FV scale: V [Sens. Deflection] (0.0000381470 V/LSB) 2.500000 V
\@4:Volume offset: V [Sens. Deflection] (0.0000381470 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp channel: S [TUNABias] "DC Sample bias"
\@Z scan size: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp size: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) 7.000000 V
\@4:Ramp offset: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp Begin: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp End: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) -7.000000 V
\@4:Z display: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\*Ciao force image list
\Data offset: 20992
\Data length: 512
\Bytes/pixel: 2
\Start context: ROL
\Data type: FORCE
\Do zoffder: 0
\Plane fit: 0 0 0 0
\Frame direction: Up
\Stage X: 0
\Stage Y: 0
\Stage type: N/A
\Profile length: 0
\Profile speed [um/s]: 0
\Samps/line: 128 128
\Scan line: Main
\Realtime planefit: Line
\Offline planefit: Full
\Z direction: Retract
\Force display mode: Normal
\Spring constant: 0.3
\Separation Scale: 0
\Force offset: 0
\Z magnew force: 1
\Scope coupling: DC
\Smoothing filter: 0
\Graph function: i
\STS I range: 15000
\STS DLI/DLV range: 10
\STS DLI/DV range: 10
\STS DI/DV range: 10
\STS Log(i) range: 10
\@4:Image Data: S [TUNAInOff] "Current"
\@Z magnify: C [4:Z scale] 1.000000 
\@4:Z scale: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 20.00000 V
\@4:Z offset: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:FV scale: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB) 20.00000 V
\@4:Volume offset: V [Sens. Current] (0.0003051758 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp channel: S [TUNABias] "DC Sample bias"
\@Z scan size: V [Sens. Zscan] (0.006713867 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp size: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) 7.000000 V
\@4:Ramp offset: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp Begin: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\@4:Ramp End: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB) -7.000000 V
\@4:Z display: V (0.0003662109 V/LSB)       0 V
\*File list end
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         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