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Automated lithography

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jruf posted on Fri, Feb 17 2012 3:33 PM


We have a Dimension 3100 AFM with a Nanoscope IIIa controller running software version 5.30r2.  We are looking to possibly use the AFM to do lithography, which would require, at the minimum, the capability to control the xyz-motion of the cantilever tip via some type of automated script/program.

I understand that there are optional software packages--e.g., NanoLithography, or even just NanoScript--that offer this functionality.  Can the Nanoscope software also act as a COM automation server?  And how would we go about purchasing some (or all) of these software options?  (I'm assuming that we can, in fact, "add" these upgrades to our existing setup...but let me know if that is not the case.)


Thanks for your help,


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Hi Jacob,

                 Do you know if you have a "run script" option in your toolbar menu already? If so then you will be able to run C++ scripts for lithography. You will need to find the lithography files to help with that and, as you say, you might not have these on your system. We have a second microscope that did not have a "run script" option but the files required to run lithography are still there but unused. Try a search for "Nanolithography" or "litho.h" in your system files to see if you have them. I have a manual for the basic lithography setup (running c++) but not for the more advanced nanoworld one - which is easier to use and has a friendly graphical interface.

The Dimension system is capable of lithography as we have been doing something similar with our multimode running on a nanoscope controller. I am told that a closed loop scanner gives better results as you are not so susceptible to scanner drift affecting the outcome. 



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jruf replied on Thu, Mar 1 2012 9:36 AM

Hi, Andy,

Thanks for the reply.  To answer your questions:

1.  There is not a "Run Script" option on the main toolbar (within the NanoScope software). 

2.  Our computer does not contain copies of the files that are necessary to do lithography with the SPM.  I searched for z.lib, litho.h, and other files that the NanoLithography manual references, to no avail.  The one exception is that we do have a copy of diamond.dll located in the "Scripts" folder within the main installation directory, but the stand-alone .dll is essentially useless without the proper supporting libraries.

As far as I know, (1.) means that we do not have the NanoScript software package installed, and (2.) means that we do not have the NanoLithography software package installed.  So, I'm trying to contact a Bruker/Veeco sales rep about adding these packages, but have not received a response yet.  It's good to know that the Dimension is, in principle, capable of semi-automated lithography; I'll post again when we actually realize a solution (either via NanoScript + NanoLithography, or otherwise).



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