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Recipes Automation: Change Scan "Prelines" or Inital Scanline upon Engagement

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dkb.sematech Umbrella [um] posted on Thu, Apr 11 2013 9:22 AM


I am attempting to automate set a of roughness measurements to streamline production in our lab using a Recipe.  However, I noticed that the roughness measurements always start by scanning 50% of the image before scanning the full image for capture.  An operator would be able to click "Frame up" or "Frame down" to skip the scanning to the top or bottom of the image to initiate the full image scan more quickly.  For large and slow scans, the 50% inital prescan for each engagement can quickly add up to an excessive amount of extra time for each roughness scan.  It effectively increases time for each measurement by a factor of 1.5 which would also be an issue for a large number of smaller/faster scans.

What parameter do I change, and how do I change it, so that the automated scanning will engage and beginning scanning only the top 5% of the scanlines before scanning the whole image instead of always scanning the top 50%?

I attempted to open a Recipe I had written with the GUI using the Notepad editor, and I identified the parameter "Capture Pre-lines" which I changed from 50% to 5%, but this had no effect on the scanning when the Recipe was re-executed.

Is there any way in general to change the initial scan line upon engagment so that it can be set to start on a specified scan line?



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