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A Great Year for AFM

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Tracy Krainer Posted: Thu, Aug 22 2013 12:03 PM
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A Great Year for AFM

August 2013

David Rossi
Executive Vice President
and General Manager Bruker's AFM Business
Bruker completes much anticipated renovation of the AFM headquarters of Bruker’s Nano Surfaces division in Santa Barbara, CA
PeakForce Tapping is quickly becoming the new industry standard for AFM techniques and continues to cement its position as the most significant breakthrough in AFM technology since the advent of TappingMode™. PeakForce Tapping permits the use of reduced imaging forces thus protecting both fragile probes and samples, but does so without any decrease in image resolution. However, its true power is as an enabler of advanced study, both through self-optimized AFM imaging, our ScanAsyst mode, which provides expert results with unsurpassed AFM ease of use, as well as through enhancing other techniques. Users keep finding new uses and we are excited with the possibilities they are further finding.

For example, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) is a technique that provides information about sample electrostatics with nanoscale spatial resolution. You can read below how our PeakForce Tapping KPFM package is taking this technique to its true quantitative research potential. Similarly, PeakForce QNM enables quantitative nanomechanical mapping of material properties, including modulus and adhesion while simultaneously imaging sample topography at high resolution. See the included article on its usage and promising future in nanomedicines. We continue to listen to the feedback and work with users to further push boundries and advance the use of AFM technology.

This year has seen some great improvements at our facility as well. We have completed the much anticipated renovation at our Santa Barbara facility, which include a new state-of-the-art demo lab and meeting areas. Our goal is to continue to provide our customers with the best AFM experience possible, and to partner with them whenever possible to help advance AFM research. With this in mind, we have increased the number of “Seeing at the Nanoscale” events, as well as workshops, event sponsorships and webinars. I hope you enjoy reading about a few of our highlights over the last quarter.

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Nano Surfaces Division, Bruker Corporation
112 Robin Hill Road • Santa Barbara, CA 93117, USA • Tel: +1 (805) 967-1400

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