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OPEN POSITION for Ph.D. Candidate to be sponsored between Bruker and Pasteur-Lille under the CIFRE program

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Thomas Mueller Posted: Wed, Apr 2 2014 11:12 AM


This position will drive the development of high throughput AFM applications for SME and Pharma by:

·    Working with end users to obtain relevant application data on the middle to high throughput AFM.

·    Analysis of large data sets to develop both results and best practices.

·    Development of online and offline software to support applications and data reduction.

·    Coordination and bridging of technical activities between Bruker and the Research Group of F. Lafont at the Institut Pasteur de Lille, France.

·    Publishing peer reviewed papers as well as application notes on developed techniques.

·    Additionally, developing novel combinations of AFMs and super resolution optical microscopes (PALM, STORM) at Pasteur.


This position is a Graduate student position, sponsored by Bruker Corporation in collaboration with the Lafont’s Team (, under the CIFRE - ANRT program.




·    Develop and create a strategic portfolio of technical collaborations within University and Industrial research segments to find problems which can be addressed by high throughput AFM.

·    Hands on programing of online and offline AFM functionality on Bruker’s proprietary SW platforms.

·    Quarterly review and presentation of collaborative and technical results.

·    Co-location 50/50 between Bruker’s Santa Barbara operations and Institut Pasteur, Lille, France.




·    Solid scientific background (engineering in physics and electronic, man-machine interface)

·    Strong background in programming (C, C++)

·    Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, self organized

·    Fluent English both written and spoken, preferred fluency in French

·    Excellent presentation, written, and verbal skills

·    Ability to manage and organize multiple groups of 3-6 scientists to a common technical goal




·    Prepared to start Ph.D. degree in a physics, chemistry, biology or equivalent.

·    Product knowledge of Bruker Scanning Probe Microscope operation preferred

·    Experience in atomic force microscopy and optical microscopy is highly desirable

·    Experience in biology, microbiology, and/or cell biology is highly desirable

·    Broad based proficiency in science


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