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posted on Tue, Nov 15 2011 1:30 PM

Anyone of you knows groups where people sucessfully combined AFM with Fluroescence Correlation Spectroscopy measurements? To me the best group WW is in Dresden (P. Schwille) but I would like to know if other people ever tried this.



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Ang Li replied on Wed, Nov 16 2011 3:50 AM

we published a paper using the two techniques, but seperately. I feel it unnecessary to run the two simultaneously.

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replied on Thu, Nov 24 2011 3:53 AM

Thanks, Ang. And sorry for the delay in my answer.

I know that FCS and AFm are million miles away from each other in terms of speed of acquisition and that if you can combine the 2 techniques in one tool, you have a high risk not to look at the same things at the same time, except studies reported in 2 or 3 excellent papers. I was just wondering how easy is the combination technically, since I never saw such a setup.

Thanks, anway.


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