The Nanoscale World


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Benjamin Voelcker Posted: Mon, Nov 21 2011 5:00 PM

Has anybody used this software? I have used it several times to try and write things in our films. I was wondering if anyone knows if there has been any updates or similar software that have been released and is somewhat newer?

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Bruker Employee

Hi Benjamin,

In general we did a lot of updates on the Innova SW since its initial release, so let me know what Innova SW version are you using (in the main SW, in the menu under info)? Also, what kind of structures are you trying to write and on what kind of sample?

Nanoplot lets you predefine shapes of many segments and also save/reload them. You can right-click on a realtime image display in the main SW to send the image to Nanoplot for deciding where to define the features. If you just want to write a straight line or two or do an initial test, you can also do that very easily in the scan control window of the main realtime SW: Click on a realtime image display and drag the previously acquired image (or a partial image currently being acquired) into the scan area display in the scan control window for convenient navigation. Set scan control to point mode (on the left side of the scan control window, under the play, repeat, capture, and capture continuous icons, above the parameters, you can switch between the square=area scanning, line=line scanning, and target=point positioning). Position probe to start position. Change parameters to values for writing. Now graphically drag the circle to move probe to end position. Change mode back to imaging and parameters back to imaging parameters, reimage the area.


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