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problem with cantlilever tune - Multimode AFM

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Top 500 Contributor
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Points 22
Eike-Chr. Spitzner posted on Wed, Jan 9 2013 10:02 AM


we have some problems with our Multimode AFMs.
To me, it looks like a minor issue, maybe someone of you knows what to do.

Both AFMs (1x MM AFM + Nanoscope IIIa; 1x MM AFM + Nanoscope IV) work flawlessly in contact mode. Tapping mode itself also works, but cantilever auto tune fails.
In the tuning window, the amplitude always shows a "baseline" of about 10.5 V (see screenshot below). The "real" amplitude only shows up if it reaches values larger than 10.5 V. The phase signal looks just fine and the RMS amplitude is always displayed correctly in the AFM head LCD. As a skilled AFM user you can tune the cantilever "manually", but that's neither convenient nor reliable :-)

Both AFMs worked flawlessly for years and this error appeared within 2 weeks on both instruments. So i don't really think it's a hardware issue (????)...

Somebody familiar with this????

Thanks a lot for your help

Eike-Chr. Spitzner

  • | Post Points: 12

All Replies

replied on Fri, Jan 11 2013 11:23 AM

Hi Eike-Christian,

I suggest opening a new workspace and check if the problem presists.



  • | Post Points: 12
Top 500 Contributor
2 Posts
Points 22

Hi Stefan,

thanks for your reply!
We tried other as well as completely new workspaces. Doesn't help.
By the way: The nanoscope IIIa Multimode now works. The problem is still present, but the "amplitude baseline" is now at ~1.5V, so the tuning for our typical amplitudes is possible.




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