The Nanoscale World

AFM Webinar Series - March 2011: ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping

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Posted: Thu, Mar 10 2011 3:32 PM
Bruker Atomic Force Microscopy webinars

Background: Height PeakForce Tapping. Foreground: Height Regular Tapping.

Atomic Force Microscopy Webinar:

ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping


PeakForce Tapping™ and ScanAsyst™ are two exciting new products recently released by Bruker. They are AFM imaging modes that will change the way you think about atomic force microscopy. While PeakForce Tapping adds a low interaction, direct force control imaging mode to the tool chest available to the nanotechnologist, ScanAsyst breaks the dogma that less user interaction makes the AFM easier to use but creates inferior data. In this Webinar we will explain PeakForce Tapping in the framework of Contact and Tapping Mode imaging. Examples of samples imaged in air and under liquids will be given obtained on a variety of Bruker Atomic Force Microscopes.

Join our Nanoscale World Community, meet with our presenter, Dr. Stefan Kaemmer, and follow all of our events.

These broadcasts will include fully-interactive Q&A sessions to answer all your questions and share your ideas, so be sure to register early to reserve your seat.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST


• PeakForce

• ScanAsyst

• Ease of Use

• Imaging Modes - including Fluid Imaging


Live Morning Broadcast

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST

Live Evening Broadcast

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST

Bruker Nanoscale World Community

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Bruker AFM Webinars

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Your Nano Surfaces AFM Webinar Team

Bruker AXS - Innovation with Integrity

AFM - Nano Surfaces Business, Bruker Corporation

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Santa Barbara, CA 93117, USA

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