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One year engineer position (2200 Euros net / month) - Circular AFM mode

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onoel posted on Mon, Jan 23 2012 9:35 AM

I can offer an opened position for an engineer, for one year, at the University of Maine (Le Mans - France). The Engineer will be involved in relevant Research investigations in different fields as biotechnology, wear, friction... with a new AFM mode called the Circular AFM mode (See Rev.of Scientific Instrum. 82,113703 (2011) and PRL 108, 015503). This Research program will be done in collaboration with Pierre-Emmanuel Mazeran from the UTCompiègne.

The applicant should be a PhD or an Engineer preferentially with good skills in oral (for conferences) and writing (for publications) scientific english. Good skills in AFM property measurements and topography are required. The knowledge in Labview programmation and in computering interfacing are an advantage, but not an obligation.

The salary is set to 2200 Euros net  per month for one year.

The contact for application is:

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