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  • Re: Export force curves to MATLAb

    Hi, If you do an ASCII export from the browser (select all the curves you like in the browser and right click-- you should see an export option) in Nanoscope Analysis, there is a "Ramp" check box that allows you to export the Z values. Please note that these Z values are based on the drive...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Thu, Feb 19 2015
  • Re: Is it possbile to get 3d information of each pixel in AFM images?

    I'm afraid not. You could get this by calculating the positions using the scan size and the samples/line and lines, or you could save the X and Y sensor as separate images and use the measured position for each pixel (you will need to calibrate the X and Y sensor in the "Calibrate>Detector"...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Fri, Feb 22 2013
  • Re: exporting multiple IV plots

    Hi Chiara, It looks as if the export is putting out the correct numbers (at least for the file you sent). As you noted, the export is using exponential notation, but if you pay attention to the units in the header line it appears to be correct (i.e. 4e+003 pN = 4 nN): Input1_V_Ex Input1_V_Rt Defl_nm_Ex...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Wed, Aug 8 2012
  • Re: exporting multiple IV plots

    That sounds like a bug. Can you send me one of your raw Nanoscope files? My email is first name.last name at bruker dash nano dot com. It sounds as if the problem happens when you do the exports by right clicking on files in the browser, but it does not happen when you do the export by right-clicking...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Wed, Jul 25 2012
  • Re: problem of exporting image with NanoScape Analysis v1.40

    According to our software group, this problem arises when the color quality for the monitor is set to 'Medium' 16 bits. There is a check in the software that is done to make sure the screen device context is high quality (over 24 bits color). This is required to ensure the quality of the exports...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Tue, Apr 10 2012
  • Re: Understanding raw data in header of force curve files

    Hi Josep, You are on the right track. The scaling factor is just the product of the ZsensSens and the Zscale value in parenthesis. For example \@Sens. ZsensSens: V 163.0064 nm/V ... \@4:Z scale: V [Sens. ZsensSens] (0.0003750000 V/LSB) 5.966755 V ... the scaling factor for the Height Sensor channel would...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Fri, Jan 27 2012
  • Re: Is there any fast way export multiple curves out of the point and shoot .mca files into Igor or Origin?

    Jonathan, We should be launching v1.40 of NanoScope Analysis today. Please give this version a try to see if it corrects your scaling problem. If not, could you send a copy of your file to me? (steve.minne (at) We would like to investigate this further. I don’t have a routine...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Stephen Minne on Tue, Aug 16 2011
  • Re: Image processing question

    Hi Jay, You can export without the text background from the browser within Nanoscope or Nanoscope Analysis by right clicking on the file and selecting export. If you have multiple files selected, they will all be exported. This type of export keeps the same number of lines and samples per line that the...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Thu, Mar 24 2011
  • Re: AFM color scale conversion factor

    The conversion depends on the color table, the data scale, the offset and contrast. Most of the color tables are not linear, but color table 25 is an exception to this rule. I would suggest starting out with an image of a calibration standard setting the color table to 25 and the data range to something...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Mon, Jan 17 2011
  • Re: Batch processing C-AFM I-V data

    Hi Jörn-Oliver, You can do batch exporting of ramp files to ASCII in either Nanoscope or Nanoscope Analysis by selecting all of the files you want to export (with shift-click or ctrl-click) in the browse view right click to open the contex menu choose Export>ASCII... This will generate a bunch...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Wed, Nov 24 2010
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