Innovation with Integrity Enabling AFM Advancement April 2013 David Rossi Executive Vice President and General Manager Bruker's AFM Business Topographic map of graphene flake prepared on silicon dioxide, reveals expected 300pm graphene step between successive layers. In the discipline of Tip-Enhanced...
Innovation with Integrity Continuing the Nanoelectrical Revolution April 2013 Bruker has a history of innovation and leadership in the area of semiconductor electrical characterization with industry-leading SSRM, SCM, CAFM, and TUNA application modules for Dimension® and MultiMode® and AFM platforms...
Here are my answers to your questions: The same bias voltage is maintained for both trace and retrace, so you can select data on either trace or retrace. When using false engage, you must set both sample bias and test bias to the same value that's better to be bigger than 500 mV, this is essential...