Hi Solong, The noise level of the module is best charicterized when the tip is off the surface. But anyway, the noise should not go up to 500 pA; is it really noise or signal. can you send me a screenshot or the original file for me to take a close look? Thanks Chunzeng Li Applicaiton Scientist Nano...
If possible I use silver epoxi or similar, indium works too to achieve proper conductivity from sample to metal puck. If already mounted with tape you may try to paint some silver over the edges. The Innova has a slight offset in the Bias voltage so 0V may not be 0V. You may want to measure that in order...
The C-AFM polarity convention with Multimode is: positive current means the current is flowing from the sample to the tip. Another way to say this is: if you use a positive sample bias, you would read a posistive current. When you say there is "no" bias applied, ideally that means 0 V. But...