The Nanoscale World

Webinar PDF Slides - ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping

Thu, Mar 24 2011

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Webinar PDF Slides - ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping

PeakForce Tapping™ and ScanAsyst™ are two exciting new products recently released by Bruker. They are imaging modes that will change the way you think about Atomic Force Microscopy. While PeakForce Tapping adds a low interaction, direct force control imaging mode to the tool chest available to the nanotechnologist, ScanAsyst breaks the dogma that less user interaction makes the AFM easier to use but creates inferior data. In these webinar slides we will explain PeakForce Tapping in the framework of Contact and Tapping Mode imaging. Examples of samples imaged in air and under liquids are given and were obtained on a variety of Bruker Atomic Force Microscopes.


Polis Tyrol wrote re: Webinar PDF Slides - ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping
on Tue, May 14 2013 1:42 AM

Am I true that the download link isn't working?

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