The Nanoscale World

Webinar - HarmoniX in Fluids

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Webinar - HarmoniX in Fluids
Wed, Jan 6 2010

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HarmoniX™ in Fluids: Ultrastructure Morphology and Mechanical Property Measurements of Plant Tissues Using the BioScope™ Catalyst™ Atomic Force Microscope

Presenters: Dr. Alexandre Berquand (Veeco Instruments, Inc. Mannheim, Germany) and Dr. Cedric Gaillard (Biopolymers, Interactions, Structural Biology, National Institute of Agronomic Research).

Part of the Veeco Instruments Atomic Force Microscopy webinar series.

Veeco's foundation in atomic force microscopy knowledge is rooted in science and technical partnership with top researchers and an optimized use of today's leading technology. This foundation of knowledge is now offered to you in a ground-breaking series of webinars that no AFM user should miss.

Each webinar has one or more presenter speaking about the latest technology, techniques and research happening in the topic listed. The webinars typically last approximately one-hour with another 10-15 minutes for live Q&A sessions.

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