I have received a number of questions if FastScan (our High Speed AFM) works with ScanAsyst (our Auto-Optimization algorithms). It does - and this video link demonstrates that by showing unattended high speed imaging on a diverse set of challenging samples. (http://www.youtube.com/user/BrukerNano?feature=mhee#p/u/0/7bi2YEgie_k) In the video are several simultaneous views of the experiment showing different elements of the scan, including that no one is “operating” the system, as well as a detail of the scan parameters so you can see them auto-optimize on each sample.
We have put a lot of effort into both of these features and would be interested to hear your comments – particularly if you are an SEM user. At Bruker, and as AFM’ers, we see a lot of advantages of the AFM over SEM, but often hear scientists say the prefer SEM because its faster and easier to use. I hope this video makes them reconsider. . .