The Nanoscale World

Kreplak et al., TERS on Collagen I Fibrils

posted by Thomas Mueller
Fri, Feb 10 2012

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Kreplak et al., TERS on Collagen I Fibrils
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Collagen fibrils are the main constituent of the extracellular matrix surrounding eukaryotic cells. Although the assembly and structure of collagen fibrils is well characterized, very little appears to be known about one of the key determinants of their biological function—namely, the physico-chemical properties of their surface. One way to obtain surface-sensitive structural and chemical data is to take advantage of the near-field nature of surface- and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Using Ag and Au nanoparticles bound to Collagen type-I fibrils, as well as tips coated with a thin layer of Ag, we obtained Raman spectra characteristic to the first layer of collagen molecules at the surface of the fibrils. The most frequent Raman peaks were attributed to aromatic residues such as phenylalanine and tyrosine. In several instances, we also observed Amide I bands with a full width at half-maximum of 10–30 cm-1. The assignment of these Amide I band positions suggests the presence of 310-helices as well as a- and b-sheets at the fibril’s surface.




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