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Webinar Video - High-Resolution Imaging and Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping Using Peak Force Tapping AFM

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Webinar Video - High-Resolution Imaging and Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping Using Peak Force Tapping AFM
Thu, May 20 2010

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The Atomic Force Microscopy Webinar Series:

High-Resolution Imaging and Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping Using Peak Force Tapping AFM


This webinar will present the principle and applications of Veeco’s revolutionary Peak Force Tapping™ technology, which operates at the sub-resonance frequency of cantilevers and uses the peak tapping force for feedback control. The principle of peak force control and the process of deriving quantitative nanomechanical data concurrent with topographic imaging will be explained. We also will present quantitative mechanical measurement data for benchmark materials from 0.6 MPa to 70 GPa, as well as examples of high-resolution imaging and mechanical property mapping of heterogeneous materials ranging from in-vitro measurement of biological molecules to polymer blends. Finally we will discuss the physical basis of self-tuned AFM control with Peak Force Tapping. Veeco’s new ScanAsyst™ Imaging Mode utilizes this technology to generate expert-quality AFM images on a variety of challenging samples. The webinar will conclude with extended time for questions and discussion.


Chanmin Su, Ph.D., Director of Research, Veeco Instruments, Inc.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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