The Nanoscale World

Nondestructive characterization of advanced polymeric materials using atomic force microscopy

posted by Thomas Mueller
Thu, Jun 4 2015

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Nondestructive characterization of advanced polymeric materials using atomic force microscopy

This webinar focuses on polymer materials characterization using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a powerful technique for mapping topography with resolution down to the atomic level.  PeakForce Tapping expands upon traditional AFM by making it radically easier to use while retaining high quality topographic imaging.  With PeakForce QNM, PeakForce TUNA and PeakForce KPFM, PeakForce Tapping also enables quantitative nanoscale maps of mechanical and electrical sample properties, at similar resolution to the topographic maps. These capabilities have made PeakFoce Tapping the fastest growing new AFM mode producing hundreds of new publications last year alone.  In this webinar we will review a selection of publications highlighting new information obtained by PeakForce Tapping on polymer materials in fields ranging from batteries to organic photovoltaics.

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