Hi Scott, Please rename STMzMove.txt to STMzMove.dll, and upload in Nanoscope. chunzeng.li@bruker-nano.com Chunzeng
Hi Scott, I progrmmed a .dll which I will send you via email. The Graphic User Interface (GUI) is shown below, it allows you to set the STM setpoint, it will turn the feedback on for 1s to reach this value, then turn the feedback off. You can specify how much you want to retract the tip from the surface and also specify retract rate and how long you
Dear Ki-Rak, Thanks for the update. I'd like to recap some points discussed during the phone call: During imaging, please set the Oscillation Amplitude to "0" on the Lock-in, otherwise "noise" would appear in the image, a manifestation of current response to the modulated bias. In STS (I-V) mode, never use "Feedback Type
Dear Ki-Rak, I read the manual of the lock-in amplifier (model Recovery 7265), my guesses about the signals are incorrect in my previous response, so please disregard it. The connection diagrams you proposed is correct, albeit may be incompete. It is possible to set it up for either or both Nanoscope or Aquire to read and display I~V and dI/dV~V curves
Hi Scott, To have the full Nanolith fucntion, you will need C++ compiler installed on you computer, whcih you can check and let me know. If it is installed, I will send you the needed files. A shortcut to do just what you described: I can compile a .dll for you to use. But please allow me sometime, say till next Thur. I have something urgent at hand
Dear Ki-Rak, Can you send me the manual for the Lock-in Amplifier you are using, I'd like to know what exactly are ADC1, ADC2, A, OSC Out. Here is my guess: ADC1 is to read in the modulated data, in this case, tunneling current. OSC Out is the AC drive signal, in this case, the dV. "A" got be the measured oscillation amplitude, here, dI
Hi Scott, Please follow the link to the manuals for performing Nanolithography with v5.12, most of it is applicable in v5.30r1. Chunzeng
This manual details NanoLithography procedures and sample programs to test your system. It also details the NanoScript™ macro language associated with NanoLithraphy. Version 5.12
Dave, DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a very strong solvent, will make the silicone splash guard used with DTFML-DD-HE swell 10~20%. It is usable, but user needs to be aware of possible contamination as a result of this. Chunzeng
Dear Gafel, dC/dV vs V is best done in open loop mode. You do not need to change the SCM Lock-in phase when taking dC/dV, the same SCM Lock-in phase as for imaging mode would be fine . Your AC signal is probably small so you do not see a sine waveform, you can use bigger AC bias, smaller SCM Lock-in bandwidth to attain a bigger, cleaner signal, and