Oops, my mistake, here it is! http://nanoscaleworld.bruker-axs.com/nanoscaleworld/forums/t/1208.aspx Ash
Hi Stavros, I believe this is the thread you're looking for. Cheers, Ash
Hi Aaron, if those discontinuities in your force curve are what I think they are, try turning closed loop off before you do your measurement to get rid of them. Cheers, Ash
Hi Mike, There is a new feature in Nanoscope V1.5 called "Sync Distance New". This is accessed using the "Show all" option on the scanning parameters, and allows the peakforce triggering position to be set manually. This should help if you have any issues with your force curves looking like this in realtime, when an "AutoConfig"
If you go to "File->Close All", I'm pretty sure that does the trick! Cheers, Ash
Hi Gregory, We also use a dimension fastscan, and were experiencing many crashes and freezes with the older version of the control software. As Andrea suggested, after upgrading to the latest software release we have had almost no crashes at all for the past few months, so I'd suggest a software upgrade is certainly worth doing. Cheers, Ash
Hi Sandeep, tipless probes have two uses that I know of, these are: - Reference cantilevers for calibrating cantilever spring constant using the reference lever method. Tipless probes often have almost ideal beam shape dimensions and obviously no tip, this means that it is easier to calibrate them accurately and use them as reference levers. Theya re
Hey Philippe, I answered (correctly I hope) a previous question which might help your understanding of how peakforce tapping determines sample topography. http://nanoscaleworld.bruker-axs.com/nanoscaleworld/forums/t/1320.aspx I'll happily stand corrected, but my understanding is that peakforce tapping isn't performing "controlled"
Hi Wang, I'm also quite interested in this as well, it would be nice if there was an application note with a detailed description of how PeakForce Tapping tracks the surface. My basic understanding is that the system maintains the specified peak force as the sample is scanned, and the height channel is simply the extension of the Z piezo as the
Hi Igc, I have found that for sharp, delicate probes there are two approaches that you can use which work well for me. Note that in both of these methods I will set the scan size to zero (to minimise any lateral forces on engage, which I think was recommended by someone here and seems to work effectively). PEAKFORCE TAPPING My preferred option for delicate