Hi Ben, I see what you and Bede mean now. Thanks a lot. It means I should not use the front panel General IO input to sample signal, which has frequency more than 100Khz, which is out of banwidth. The problem is I have done so. So can you tell me the specification of the filter with General IO input? With the specification of the filter, the power spectrum
Hi Bede, Thanks for your reply. In the Veeco diNanoscope V Contorller Manual (Rev.B ,page 41), it is said that General I/O Input1 and 2 has bandwith from DC to 100kHz. It seems there is a hardware filter. Can you tell me the specification of the filter? This is crucial for my application. I want to sample the vertical deflection signal with 500khz HSDC
Hi, For 500kHZ HSDC, what is the cut-off frequency? And what is that for 6.25 Mhz? Best, Fei
Hi, I am trying to rectangular calibrate cantilevers by thermal tune in air. The fit model is Lorentan. The correcting factor I used in the thermal tune dialog box is 1.106 as suggested Ben Ohler . The stiffness I get is ~5.6N/m. Then I record the thermal noise by HSDC at 500kHz and do the analysis myself. But what I get is 8.2N/m. The error is over
Hi Stefan, I am reading the drive voltage for z piezo (Z_ Low voltage ) via Signal Access Module. The data is sent to analog input 1 of Nanoscope V. The data is saved by High Speed Data Capture. I am interested in checking the drift of piezo while doing ramping. That is why I am monitoring the drive voltage for z piezo (Low voltage). Since it is ramping
Fantastic images from Physics of Complex Fluids.
At the force-distance mode, I expected the dirve voltage for Z-piezo is a triangular wave.But it is not. Its frequency spectrum has a peak at 50khz. Is this due to noise? If so, what is the solution for the problem? The AFM I use is Mutilmode with Scanner E.