Dear Bede, Errors in the manual of Matlab toolbox of the method CreateForceVolumeForceCurveZplot. I found this many years ago (maybe nanoscape analysis 1.4 or 1.5), I wander if it was corrected in the updated version. The description of the input parameters of method CreateForceVolumeForceCurveZplot (Get force curve from FV file ) was incorrect. The
Dear Martin G, Please refer the following link http://www.nanophys.kth.se/nanophys/facilities/nfl/afm/icon/bruker-help/Content/ForceVolume/ForceVolImgFileFormat.htm the nanoscope analysis also has a matlab toolbox for data analysis
Hi all, We use peakforce QNM to get the mechanical properties for our sample. I have a question about the machanical properties fit region from the force curve. In default option, why the mechanical properties are calculated using the retraction part from the force curve, but not the approaching part from the forca curve?(as shown below) I would greatly
I perform the peakforce tapping on HOPG in water to extract force curves (MultiMode 8, a SNL-10 cantilever with spring constant 0.35 N/m), the curves looks like the image below. I find there are "snap-in" and "snap-off" regions in the force curves. In my understanding, if the gadient of the force exceeds the spring constant of the
Does this result reproducible? Do you change other parametres when scanning in different resolution?
Dear James Karamath, You should perform the amplitude-distance curve, and the so called amplitude-sensitivity can be determined. You can use this parameter to calculate your amplitude in nanometers. I am very interest in imaging oil droplets. I perform fluid-tapping about a year. May I have your email address for further discussion. Yours sincerely
Hi, I always use the a-lever which has a spring constant 0.35N/m, does the c-lever work better? I do the surface tune, however it does not improve much. Regards, Wang Shuo
I select the resonance peak in the range 7-9 kHz
When perform the TappingMode in liquid (using MultiMode, Nanoscope 3a, NP-10 tip), sometimes I get very low quality images. And I check the Amplitude-distance curve. As shown below, I dont understand why the amplitude increases a lot as the tip approaching to the substrate. I think this artifact may cause the unstable imaging. I would greatly appreciate
Is the topography reconstructed using the Z position of “snap-in” in the force curves?