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problem of exporting image with NanoScape Analysis v1.40

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dongboli posted on Tue, Apr 10 2012 1:26 PM


I have been using NanoScope Analysis V1.40 for image processing for a long time. Most of the time it works very well.

Recently, I found that I could not "export" the image in any mode including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and BMP.

It always show the error information as" unable to export bitmap to file". Then after I click "ok". The error infomation is

"Analysis function failed". I have tried to export the file using different directory or different name. It did not help.

I would greatly appreciate it if anybody can help me to solve that problem.

Best regards,



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According to our software group, this problem arises when the color quality for the monitor is set to 'Medium' 16 bits.  There is a check in the software that is done to make sure the screen device context is high quality (over 24 bits color).  This is required to ensure the quality of the exports.  The error message appears if the check is not passed.

We will improve the error message to make it more clear, but increasing the monitor color quality to 'High' >=24bits should solve your problem.


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