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  • Re: reading files and headers datas

    \@Sens. DeflSens: V 43.2132 nm/V is the 'soft scale' for the vertical axis of the force plot. The soft scale allows conversion between raw units in Volts and metric units. \@Sens. Zscan: V 12.50 nm/V is the 'soft scale' for the horizontal axis of the force plot. You can find more information...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Thu, Feb 16 2012
  • Re: Understanding raw data in header of force curve files

    Hi Josep, You are on the right track. The scaling factor is just the product of the ZsensSens and the Zscale value in parenthesis. For example \@Sens. ZsensSens: V 163.0064 nm/V ... \@4:Z scale: V [Sens. ZsensSens] (0.0003750000 V/LSB) 5.966755 V ... the scaling factor for the Height Sensor channel would...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Fri, Jan 27 2012
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