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  • Re: MFM??????

    The "Deflection Error" channel is just deflection minus the setpoint. You would use this channel if you wanted to attempt contact mode MFM. But as Pete has said, contact mode MFM is unlikely to be the best choice. I can't think of any circumstance where it should be preferred to tapping...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Ben Ohler on Thu, Jul 5 2012
  • Re: MFM

    The magnetic force gradient leads to a resonant frequency shift of the cantilever. The phase shift related to the resonance follows this shift. Since we are driving at a constant frequency, a change in both phase and amplitude will be observed in the lock-in outputs, but phase is more popular since the...
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Bede Pittenger on Wed, Jan 11 2012
  • Thermal ground-state ordering and elementary excitations in artificial magnetic square ice

    All, Nice paper on high resolution MFM by Morgan et. al. in Nature Physics. Data taken using the MM and Dimension. Check it out at: Steve
    Posted to SPM Digest (Forum) by Stephen Minne on Fri, Feb 4 2011
  • Re: MFM in fluid

    I have not tried this by agree that there would be no fundamental problem to operation; however, functionally there would be a tremendous decrease in sensitivity from the Q damping of the fluid. If you think you can tolerate a decrease in signal proportional to the decrease in Q, it is worth a shot....
    Posted to Off-Topic (Forum) by Stephen Minne on Tue, Nov 30 2010
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