Certainly! There is no special requirement to do PFM (just use contact mode and configure the lockins through generic lockin). I recommend putting the AC bias to the tip and reducing the 'amplitude limit' for the lockin that you are using. I think lockins 2 and 3 are preferred depending on your...
Since the electric field is causing the expansion or contraction of the ferroelectric material there is no need for a direct electrical connection (as would be required for TUNA or CAFM). There should be an electrode that is connected the the chuck behind the insulating layer, however. --Bede
Dear Adrian, Using ramping mode to determine d33 is not the preferred way, I recommend you use the Piezoresponse Mode. Below is what why I think you are not getting what you expect with ramping: You should not set gains to zero if you want z-piezo, thus z-sensor, to follow the mechanical response to...
Tim, #1 is correct. Remember, NEVER put a high voltage input into the SAMV #2 The best way to do this is not to use the SAMV, but is from within the NSV. To do it in the NSV you will need to separate the AC and DC, applying one to the tip and the other to the sample. In general, the performance of PFM...