Innovation with Integrity Proprietary High-Contrast Probe Tips on Innova-IRIS AFM Enable First Complete Commercial TERS Solution April 2013 The single biggest issue preventing further adoption of the powerful Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) technique is the lack of available high-performance probes...
Bruker-axs.com | +1 805 967-1400 NANOVATIONS Newsletter Vol. 2 August 2012 Seeing at the Nanoscale 2012 Continued Innovation Delivers the Ultimate in AFM Technology As the world leader in AFM technology and manufacturing, Bruker takes its responsibility to support the industry with continual innovation...
October 2011, Issue 03 Advancing TERS Research through the Combination of Industry-Leading Atomic Force Microscopy & Raman Spectroscopy Also available: inVia / Catalyst-IRIS combined system for transparent samples (transmission geometry). Please contact Bruker or Renishaw for further details. Researchers...
Also check Laurent Kerplak's lab at Dalhousie University who is also working on this topic. His home page has a picture of an integrated system. http://fizz.phys.dal.ca/~kreplak/
I think the combination of AFM with Raman is very interesting and there are good reasons why tip-enhanced Raman scattering, despite some challenges, has been a hot research topic in recent years. Below are a few thoughts on its benefits and challenges, please let me know in the forum or offline ( tmueller...