Certainly! There is no special requirement to do PFM (just use contact mode and configure the lockins through generic lockin). I recommend putting the AC bias to the tip and reducing the 'amplitude limit' for the lockin that you are using. I think lockins 2 and 3 are preferred depending on your...
Innovation with Integrity Bruker Fuels the Future of Graphene April 2013 AFM topography image showing wrinkles in graphene layers at area of interest. This modulus image shows fine structures with greater compliance seen as darker areas on the modulus map image. Atomic force microscopy has been part...
Hi Stefano, Don't worry, the crocodiles don't bite! The low noise head definitely has benefits over the old MultiMode head. But the name could be a little confusing, so it's good that you ask specifically what things are improved. The low noise heads were developed specifically to reduce...
The C-AFM polarity convention with Multimode is: positive current means the current is flowing from the sample to the tip. Another way to say this is: if you use a positive sample bias, you would read a posistive current. When you say there is "no" bias applied, ideally that means 0 V. But...
All, Nice paper on high resolution MFM by Morgan et. al. in Nature Physics. Data taken using the MM and Dimension. Check it out at: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v7/n1/full/nphys1853.html Steve
I'd like to echo Steve's congratulations to this year's Nobel Prize winners in physics, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester. You've got to love that their sample prep technique for graphene is now called the "Scotch tape technique". I'm looking...