Umar, Your last question cocntains the answers to the first question. X scan, Y scan, and Z scan are the low voltage piezo drive signals before they reach the high voltage amplifiers. The BNC's on the front panel are +/- 10 V. You will not see high voltage on those outputs. The signal access module would give you access to high voltage if needed
Simon, certainly not using a stop box at all would produce the same artifact to a greater extent. Flatten removes offset (0 order), tilt (1st order) or bow (2nd order) out of each individual fast scan line in the image. It is this line-by-line treatment of the image that is the reason for the artifact. Scan lines that contain the pit have a lower average
Simon- Thanks for sending the file. The artifact is not in the raw data before it is modified with "flatten." One way to introduce an artifact like this is to modify the image with a first order flatten using a "stop box" that is too small to exclude the entire pit from the flatten. If the entire pit is not excluded from the flatten
Simon- It could be tip artifact or a spike in the error signal but I really need to see the image. Please send me the file directly. Nanoscope data file would be more helpful than jpg. Send to mmaybrun@veeco.com . Thanks, Mike Maybrun
Hi Noni- The captured FV image should be corrected already when captured.. I think the difference you are seeing in the FV image is due to the position of the red curor (setting the z plane) is in a positoin that is not quite far enough to the left to represent the base line. It looks like the slice is in the interaction area for both curves. However
Noni, I found that if you select force curve to display with Center Plot set to enabled the force plots do not update (as you said). If you are using the cross-hair to select single locations for force curves you would need to clear the selections and then re-mark them once center plot is enabled. If you are selecting a range of force curves by drawing
[quote user="Stefan Kaemmer"]PS I tried to post a link to the thread instead of just the title but failed miserably[/quote] Here's a link to cut and paste: http://www.veeco.com/nanoscaleworld/forums/p/399/628.aspx
Hi Noni- Since the behavior you are describing might be software version dependant I would like to know exactly what version of NanoScope you are using. There is no version 9. Please go to the help menu and choose "about" from the real-time software and tell me the exact version (for example 8.1r1sr2). The same goes for NanoScope Analysis
Alternatively you could just send me a nanoscope data file from one of your captured ramps. My email address is mmaybrun@veeco.com . Regards, Mike
Mary, please tell me what version of NanoScope you are using. Thanks, Mike